MARCHing into Mental Health

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Wholeness Psychology Blog/Mental Wellness/MARCHing into Mental Health

“It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change” - Queen Elizabeth II

In this first blog we want to speak to what is often the elephant in any room when the topic of psychology comes up – mental health. In particular, we want to shine a light on at least four different pillars that together contribute to our mental health, and underscore the importance of self-reflection as a practice to continually strengthen our mental health. Let’s get to it…

Mental Health

Much has been written, and probably more said, about mental health. The trouble is, most people don’t necessarily know or appreciate just how nuanced the term is. At a high level, mental health is the condition of being sound both mentally and emotionally. This is typically characterized by the absence of mental illness, as well as feeling comfortable about oneself, having positive feelings about others, and being able to meet the demands of daily life.

There is, of course, much more to discover about mental health, and this is where the nuance comes into play. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy life choices. Not surprisingly, mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

Although the terms are often used interchangeably, poor mental health and mental illness are not the same. A person can experience poor mental health and not be diagnosed with a mental illness. Likewise, a person diagnosed with a mental illness can experience periods of physical, mental, and social well-being.

In our work at Wholeness Psychology Centre we often talk about the “four pillars” of mental health: (1) Physical Health; (2) Emotional Health; (3) Cognitive Health; and (4) Social Health.

Let’s consider each of these in turn

Physical health is generally attributed to diet, exercise and sleep. Just as our mental health can influence our physical health it really is a two-way street. We want to be sure we understand the importance of physical health in the context of our mental well being. In fact, according to the Mental Health Foundation nearly 40% of people who suffer with mental health problems also have long-term physical conditions. Clearly, there is a link between the physical and the mental.

Treating the Whole Person – The Wholeness Psychology Centre Blog

Emotional health means having an awareness of your feelings and emotions as well as the ability to manage and express these feelings in an age-appropriate fashion.

Emotional health is your ability to recognize and control your emotions. Cognitive health refers to our ability to think. It also refers to our ability to recognize, obtain, comprehend, and answer information that is presented to us. Examples of cognitive health include concentration, the ability to remember things, analyzation, problem-solving, categorizing, and reordering. We need to be able to do all of these things to be successful in work, social, and academic environments.

Finally, it is vital for our mental health to ensure that we have regular to semi-regular social interactions. Humans by nature are social creatures; it’s in our DNA. These social interactions give us a sense of purpose and belonging. They also reduce our levels of stress, and increase our self-worth and confidence. Collectively, these contribute very positively to our overall mental health and well-being.

To help you tune into your mental health we have found it helpful to ask some or all of these five questions regularly:

  • ​How am I feeling about today? Why?
  • What has made me feel loved today?
  • What is something I am thankful for?
  • ​What was something I observed today that made me feel relaxed or calm?
  • ​What have I done to physically take care of myself today?

These questions are helpful because they carry us into a place of self-reflection. This matters because it is only when we pause in the course of our days and reflect on what is happening to and for us – what is real for us – that we begin to learn if we are truly meeting our needs. Done regularly, self-reflection has been proven to help us: Analyze our strengths, priorities and what we value most in life so we can find solutions together.

Treating the Whole Person – The Wholeness Psychology Centre Blog

  • ​Release emotional attachment
  •  Make better choices
  • Remove inner roadblocks that have been holding us back
  • ​Explore our current habits and intuitive feelings
  • ​Reveal new aspirations
  • ​Increase inner insight
  • ​Broaden our perspective and understanding of people and situations
  • ​Identify potential problems areas
  • ​Respond appropriately

At Wholeness Psychology Centre, we can help you understand and grow your capacity to take charge of your mental health, and with it, your life. Our care providers are skilled at understanding what you’re facing and helping you to move forward with a clear plan.

So whether you’re trying to support a loved one through their mental health challenges, or are facing them yourself, get in touch.

MARCHing into Mental Health

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

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Hi, I Am Jessica


I post daily inspirational content on social media
to empower you to experience the love you desire & deserve!